‘En la barra’ with San Jorge Coffee Roasters

In the first of our on the streets challange, we start off in the Spanish city of Zaragoza with Ezequiel Garcés del Pino, owner of San Jorge Coffee Roasters, who told us: “The secret isn’t just in the bean but in the soul of the one brewing it.” Want to uncover the essence of Zaragoza’s coffee culture? Hit play and find out what makes a cup truly unforgettable
We chat with Ezequiel, the soul behind San Jorge Coffee Roasters, who tells us how his passion for speciality coffee led him to set up in Zaragoza a decade ago, when speciality coffee culture was practically non-existent in his city, prompting Ezequiel to seek training and inspiration. His dream ever since: to fight ‘bad coffee’ and bring quality coffee into every home.
San Jorge has experienced remarkable growth, especially since 2020, thanks to the increase in demand for speciality coffee.
Direct Trade or importers?
Although Direct Trade sounds ideal, Ezequiel acknowledges that they currently work with importers, valuing their service and transparency. Direct Trade requires a structure and financial muscle that, for the time being, is not feasible for San Jorge.
The future of speciality coffee
The talk also touched on issues such as rising coffee prices, the role of producers and importers, and how the global political and economic situation influences the market.Ezequiel remains optimistic and looking to the future, with the aim of reaching more households and continuing to promote the culture of speciality coffee.