The importance of correct coffee traceability

Coffee traceability

Specialty coffee is not only a coffee defined by the flavors that a particular microclimate gives it, but is also determined by aspects such as the strict requirements that are applied to it, as is the case of perfect traceability.

What is traceability ?

Traceability is all those procedures that make it possible to know the characteristics of the origin, the processes and the route through which a product has passed, from its origin as raw material, until it reaches the hands of the consumer.


Following the boom in specialty coffee, it is necessary to a new model in which the Farm and Producers collaborate with all the agents of the value chaintraceability has therefore become increasingly important and has become a fundamental tool, since it is used to record all the information on a company’s products and services.he steps that Coffee goes through during the entire food chain.

This demonstrates the current importance of establishing systems to trace coffee from its origin to its final destination, with the objective of assuring the quality of the coffee, which is why the importance of a correct traceability of the product comes into play.


A correct traceability entails a series of benefits to be taken into account, both for consumers, producers and intermediaries, therefore from Mare Terra Coffee we highlight:

  • Increased consumer expectations of expected quality.
  • Ensure transparency in product information.
  • Identification of all processes.
  • To speed up the identification of the origin of possible contaminations and defects in coffee.
  • Serve as a guarantee of origin.

For this reason, a commitment is required from all participants in the coffee value chain with the objective of achieving an unequivocal identification of the product, which entails accurate records, systematic procedures and adequate communication between the production sectors and the clients.