Our dedication goes to Mrs. Pauline Mumbi Karimi, president of the Njuriga Farmers society, who is also a very committed coffee farmer, for leading the society in the right way since she assumed leadership in 2017, when she was elected vice president.
She pays special attention to the farmers by listening to their cries, organizing classes for them on how to grow coffee and even helping them where she can, motivating them when they are down.
Tool developed by Mare Terra Coffee
Sugars, Chocolaty, Citric, Floral, Tropical fruits, Stone fruits, Liqueurs, and Woody
Honey, Nectarine, Grapefruit, Rose, Tobacco, and Tamarind
· Cherries received
· Sorting by ripeness
· Anaerobic fermentation in cherry for 300+ hours
· Outdoor drying with Mountain dry technique
Smell | 8.75 |
Taste | 8.75 |
Acidity | 8.75 |
Ending | 8.50 |
Body | 8.50 |
Balance | 8.50 |
Overall | 8.75 |
Cup Cleaning | 10.00 |
Sweetness | 10.00 |
Uniformity | 10.00 |
Total | 90.50 |
The Njuriga Washed station is located in the Nyeri coffee region, specifically in the Nyeri County coffee district.
This Washed station began operating in 1999, consolidating with many Producers in the area who deliver their cherries for processing.
The Farms that contribute to the delivery of cherries to this Washed station are located at an altitude between 1,700 and 1,780 meters above sea level, growing coffee cherries of the Variety SL 28, Batian, Ruiru 11, SL 24 that develop in clayey soils.
This Washed station also forms a unique Cooperative, due to the amount of members that form it, they are more than 470, its name is also Njuriga and it is directed by Pauline Mumbi Karim.
Maggi is in charge of the Njuriga Washed station, she is a woman with a unique energy and a great sense of humor, James Maina is in charge of the wet mill, both are a great team, they like to excel and face new challenges.
Together with the Njuriga team, we develop different processes in our Coffee batches, such as Natural Sleeping Bag, Anaerobic Natural Sleeping Bag or processes with double fermentation, among others.
Our coffees are processed at the Washed station in Njuriga and are named after the Chort star.
972.2 mm