Health benefits and properties of coffee

Coffee is a veryThe product is of vegetable origin and has components very similar to those found in fruits and vegetables. In fact, green coffee is a fruit and should be considered as such. Its stimulating properties can also have beneficial effects on our health.
It is not surprising that, being coffee one of the most consumed beverages in the world, it is one of the foods on which most health research has been carried out. In general, scientific research over the years has shown that moderate consumption, 3 to 4 cups a day, and within a healthy and balanced diet, is beneficial to health. The active ingredient most present and best known in green coffee is caffeine. Numerous properties have been attributed to caffeine, the most well known of which is the stimulation of the nervous system, It increases our state of alertness and concentration; it also has stimulating effects on muscle tissue (smooth and cardiac muscle). But apart from the more popularly known stimulant properties, it has been proven that coffee can have other effects, such as the ability to inhibit certain enzymes and modulate metabolism. The effects derived from its consumption are not only produced by caffeine; other components, such as phenolics, chlorogenic acid and melanoidins, are also produced by caffeine. antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects for the organism. In short, in addition to caffeine, green coffee contains many other substances such as minerals (because it is of vegetable origin), antioxidants and fiber, which make it an excellent source of energy. a biologically active food with extensive health benefits. Whether due to caffeine or to the other substances present in coffee, its consumption has been related to a probable reduced risk of suffering from certain pathologies, among which we could highlight type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease and some types of cancer.
Preventive action
Studies published in recent years (in the journals Nature Communications and Circulation, among others) support an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. They also show that it can prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, thanks to its antioxidant properties, specifically chlorogenic acid, which reduces insulin resistance, and phenyl and caffeic acids. Thus, it can be said that the majority of the observational studies consulted reflect that coffee could be an ally in the protection against the risk of cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, some epidemiological studies have suggested that caffeine could be an effective therapeutic agent against Alzheimer’s disease. These studies show that coffee could exert a positive effect on beneficial actions to protect and/or reverse cognitive impairment. However, the results are still contradictory to previous research, so caution is necessary until further research lends greater scientific rigor to these findings. Thirdly, it is also being studied that coffee could act as a protective factor against the development of certain types of cancer, such as liver and kidney cancer, and also, to a lesser extent, colon and breast cancer, thanks to its content of antioxidant substances. Another study by the University of British Columbia in Canada and Harvard Medical School in Boston The results show that coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of suffering from gout. It is also worth mentioning a study by the Institute of Public Health in Helsinki, the country where most coffee is consumed in the world, which shows that it reduces the incidence of heart disease, as it coffee represents an important source of antioxidants, similar to fruit and vegetables. Perhaps that is also why is recognized for its laxative properties, preventing constipation, It also seems to be a good diuretic. Finally, it is said that coffee optimizes the effects of analgesics, especially those that act against headaches. Pharmaceutical manufacturers may include small doses of caffeine in their pills. However, the influence of coffee on health does not only depend on its moderate consumption. Its final repercussion on the organism will depend on how each person metabolizes caffeine and its other components, as well as the influence of genetic, social or environmental factors. Likewise, aspects such as the variety, origin or type of elaboration of the coffee itself (filtered, pressed, espresso, etc.) or the type of roasting (natural or roasted), and above all the quality of the product, can alter its final composition, influencing in one way or another the way in which it affects the organism.
Coffee can prevent disease, improve aspects of brain function and help burn fat.