Visit of the students of the Università Gastronomica di Pollenzo

We share knowledge
On 04/04/2022 we received in our facilities thevisit of the third year students of the Università Gastronomica di Pollenzo, a University created in 2004 by Carlo Petrini, also founder of the Slow Food movement.
The University is, among other things, the international center for training and research in sustainable agriculture and maintenance of biocultural diversity, with an interdisciplinary approach combining food science and technology with social, human, biological and agricultural sciences.
The University and Mare Terras Coffee share each of the points mentioned above and have opened our doors to what will become the protagonists and citizens of the future on our planet.
The 30 students of the 3rd year, from the Università Gastronomica di Pollenzo, accompanied by their teacher Maddalena Relli, came to Barcelona for a study trip.
Together with our Green Coffee Consultant, Cristiano Antonelli, they were able to visit our facilities and see first hand what Mare Terra Coffee is really all about.
The students were very interested in everything that is behind our beloved coffee.
With the Università Gastronomica di Pollenzo, we share philosophy and everything that encompasses the science and technology of food, in our case Coffee. The university is an integral part of the Slow Food Movement with them we share and are part of a community where we have the responsibility to coordinate the preferences and needs of consumers with the possibilities and capabilities of the Producers, achieving the satisfaction of all.
During their visit, the students were able to get to know our Institute and laboratory, ask questions directly to our department directors, and at the same time understand how our partnerships with producers work at origin. They finally got to touch the green coffee bean.
Once they got to know the laboratory, they visited our warehouse, where the students were able to really get to know how our logistics are carried out.
This is just the beginning of a collaboration that we will carry forward and repeat later with the Università Gastronomica di Pollenzo.