Jamaica is part of the Greater Antilles, has an area of 10,992 km² and is home to 2.95 million inhabitants, with a topography ofañosterrain where the country’s most important peak is located, giving its name to its coffee: the Blue Mountain Peak. The territory is surrounded by the coast and its interior is made up of tropical rainforests and swamps. The island has three generalized ecosystems: aquatic, marine and terrestrial. In the terrestrial ones we find humid and dry forests along with caves, rivers and wetlands, all ecosystems are home to fauna and flora.
Coffee crops in Jamaica are nourished by fertile volcanic soils, which are rich and porous, so they drain well and facilitate coffee harvests.
Jamaica is a tropical country, warm and humid, often favored by the trade winds, in the mountainous areas rainfall is abundant and temperatures average 5º C, which make up the ideal situation for the cultivation of green coffee.
Coffee is grown in four coffee growing regions in the country, and employs more than 20,000 people, 100% of its production is of the Arabica species, Jamaica has a future of knowledge and development in coffee growing.
The Blue Mountain coffee growing region is made up of 4 coffee growing districts: St. Andrew, St. Thomas, Portland and St. Mary.
These districts are home to more than 2.9 million people, of whom more than 9,000 are engaged in coffee growing. Approximately 30% of the country’s production is grown in this region, with 6,000 hectares dedicated to the production of green coffee.
The Blue Mountain region is Jamaica’s number one coffee growing region. The varietal grown in the country is Typica, and the harvest months are from September to May.
The coffee growing region of St. Andrew has 4 coffee growing districts with a population of 573,369 inhabitants and a surface area of 455 km². With a population of 573,369 inhabitants and a surface area of 455 km², these districts are home to more than 3,000 families that cultivate approximately 2,500 hectares of coffee. St. Andrew is the second largest coffee growing region in the country.