Job vacancies for Speciality Coffee Professionals

Barismo Mare Terra Coffee

If you are looking for work and you have a professional expertise to offer: you are just a step away from finding it.

In 5 minutes you will have a wide range of opportunities to make it possible.

The world of Specialty Coffee is full of wonderful people, skilled and trained professionals, fascinating and dynamic companies. Knowledge, experience and professional skills are what entirely define this sector. In Specialty Coffee, the desire to learn, evolve, create and change is what unites us all, but sometimes it is not the right time or the right place, so let’s change that!

Unfortunately, at the moment, many good professionals have lost their jobs or been forced to leave their homes in search of security and peace. After the COVID hiatus, the world of speciality coffee is finally regaining its momentum and strength in many countries that are more fortunate, we are committed and determined that you will find each other.

If you are able to offer a position to a speciality coffee expert, you are just one step away from doing so.

Please fill in the form by clicking on this link

Fill in the form “I am offering a job”

*By filling in the form you will decide whether you prefer to contact the professionals that meet your requirements or if you would rather they contact you.

If you are a well-trained specialty coffee expert and have decided to relocate to another company.

Fill in the form by clicking on this link:

Fill in the “I am looking for a job” form

We hope that this simple and quick approach will offer support to well-trained professionals and companies in speciality coffee to find each other.

We assure you that we will do everything in our power to make this possible.

If you know a specialty coffee expert who needs a job or a company with a vacancy, help out by sending them this email.

Together we are stronger

*We will only use the data you share with us for the purpose stated above, but you can ask us to delete your data at any time by sending us an email.