Tool developed by Mare Terra Coffee
Red fruits / Berries, Chocolaty, Citric, Tropical fruits, Aromatic herbs, and Other fruits
Cocoa, Kiwi, Lemon grass, Green apple, Blackberry, Grapefruit, and White grape
· Cherries received
· Sorting by ripeness
· Anaerobic fermentation in cherry
· Outdoor drying
Smell | 8.25 |
Taste | 8.25 |
Acidity | 8.25 |
Ending | 8.00 |
Body | 8.00 |
Balance | 8.00 |
Overall | 8.25 |
Cup Cleaning | 10.00 |
Sweetness | 10.00 |
Uniformity | 10.00 |
Total | 87.00 |
José Heider grew up among coffee trees, his parents were dedicated to coffee growing and taught him to cultivate and respect the land, his father always encouraged him to be independent and to be able to organize his life by having his own farm. The inheritance money that José Heider received after his father’s death was used to buy the part of the farm that corresponded to his mother, and with it he started the improvements and selections in the first crops in what today is his farm El Descanso Natural. José Heider’s beginnings on the farm were hard, he dedicated all his time and effort to work the land and improve the farm’s facilities. His efforts and entrepreneurial spirit were reflected in his batches of high quality Coffee. With them he managed to participate in the National Cup of Excellence in 2015 achieving a significant position in the qualification. The winnings obtained by José Heider in the Certamen de la Taza de la Excelencia, helped him to complete the payment of the Farm El Descanso Natural, making it possible for him and his wife Adriana Berdugo to be the sole owners of the land. José Heider and his wife Adriana Berdugo, continued working and developing their project for more than five years, improving, caring for and completing what today is Finca El Descanso Natural and its facilities. The El Descanso Natural farm consists of seven hectares, four of which are used for the cultivation of specialty coffees of different varietals, including Caturra, Castillo and Bourbon Rosa. In addition, José Heider’s farm also has a dry mill and a wet mill. Today, thanks to the work of José Heider and Adriana Berdugo, Finca El Descanso Natural is home to the couple and their two daughters.
523.3 mm