Ecofriendly processes for decaffeinating green coffee

Picture of Raquel Parra

Raquel Parra

November 22, 2023

Speciality decaffeinated coffee

Specialty decaffeinated coffee has gained popularity among those who wish to enjoy the coffee experience without the stimulating effects of caffeine and to enjoy the quality of specialty coffee without compromising on sensory pleasure.

We take a look at how the decaffeination process has evolved from its beginnings to the present day, and how environmentally committed and sustainable pra

The beginnings of green coffee decaffeination

Decaffeinated coffee has been produced commercially since the early 20th century, when Kaffee Hag was founded in Germany in 1906. At that time, the decaffeination process was carried out by steaming the coffee beans with acids and benzene as a solvent to remove the caffeine.
As this process was unhealthy and polluting, it was decided to opt for other techniques, which are still used today.

Coffee decaffeination process

Decaffeinated coffee today

The decaffeination of coffee has undergone significant advances in recent years, and different techniques have now been consolidated.
These advanced techniques seek to minimise the impact on the taste of the coffee, while preserving its distinctive qualities. As the coffee industry continues to evolve, these innovations offer consumers more options to enjoy their favourite beverage without losing the pleasure of coffee’s distinctive aroma and taste.

  • Decaffeinated with solvents

One of the most commonly used techniques involves the use of organic solvents, such as ethyl acetate or methylene chloride. These solvents are used to extract the caffeine from the green coffee beans, and are then removed, leaving the coffee virtually caffeine-free.

  • Decaffeinated with carbon dioxide

Another innovative approach is supercritical carbon dioxide. In this method, CO2 is used in a state between liquid and gas, acting as a solvent to selectively extract the caffeine. This process is certified organic and is effective in preserving the coffee’s aromatic compounds.

  • Mountain Water Process

The water decaffeination method has gained popularity. This method uses water to extract the caffeine without using additional chemicals. Although it may take longer than other methods, it is valued as a more natural and sustainable option.

We work with coffees that have been decaffeinated through the ‘Mountain Water Process’ method. Do you want to know our decaffeinated coffees? Don’t miss it!


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Raquel Parra

Mare Terra Coffee

Brand & PR Manager”.

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